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Effective Treatment for Chronic Constipation

Treatment for Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation is when an individual experiences infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stool. The symptoms may include hard, dry, lumpy stool, abdominal pain, and bloating. This condition can be frustrating and uncomfortable, affecting an individual's quality of life. Fortunately, various Treatment for Chronic Constipation, medicines, cures, and home remedies are available to alleviate chronic constipation.

Treatment for Chronic Constipation

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are a simple and effective way to treat chronic constipation. They include:

Increase fluid intake: Drinking enough water and fluids can help soften the stool and make bowel movements easier.

Dietary changes: Eating high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help prevent constipation.

Exercise: Regular physical activity helps to stimulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.


Laxatives are drugs that help to relieve constipation. They work by either softening the stool or stimulating the bowel movement. Common types of laxatives include:

Bulk-forming laxatives: These help increase the stool's bulk and make it easier to pass.

Stool softeners: These help to soften the stool by increasing the amount of water in the bowel.

Stimulant laxatives: This help to stimulate the muscles in the bowel and increase bowel movements.

Osmotic laxatives help draw water into the bowel and soften the stool.


Medications Certain medications can also help to treat chronic constipation. These include:

Lubiprostone: It helps to increase the secretion of fluids in the bowel and makes the stool easier to pass.

Linaclotide: It increases fluid secretion and muscle contraction in the bowel, making bowel movements easier.

Tegaserod: It helps to stimulate the bowel muscles and increase bowel movements. 

Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback Therapy Biofeedback therapy is a type of treatment that involves using sensors to monitor the muscles used during bowel movements. This therapy helps to teach an individual how to control these muscles and improve bowel movements.

Medicine for Chronic Constipation

Medicine for Chronic Constipation are include:

Polyethylene glycol (PEG)

Polyethylene glycol is a laxative that increases the water content in the bowel and makes the stool easier to pass. It is available in powder form and is usually taken with water.


Lubiprostone is a medication that helps to increase the secretion of fluids in the bowel and make the stool easier to pass. It is available in capsule form and is usually taken twice a day.


Linaclotide is a medication that helps to increase fluid secretion and muscle contraction in the bowel, making bowel movements easier. It is available in capsule form and is usually taken once a day.


Tegaserod is a medication that helps to stimulate the bowel muscles and increase bowel movements. It is available in tablet form and is usually taken twice a day.

Cure for Chronic Constipation 

While there is no definitive Cure for Chronic Constipation, certain treatments, and lifestyle changes can help alleviate the symptoms and improve bowel movements. These include:

Increasing fluid intake: Drinking enough water and fluids can help soften the stool and make bowel movements easier.

Eating high-fiber foods: Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help prevent constipation.

Exercise: Regular physical activity helps to stimulate bowel movements and to avoid constipation.

Laxatives and medications: Certain laxatives can help alleviate chronic constipation symptoms.

Home Remedies for Chronic Constipation

Home Remedies for Chronic Constipation are include:

Drink More Water

Drinking more water can help to soften the stool and make bowel movements easier. Experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. You can also try drinking warm water with lemon in the morning, which can stimulate the digestive system.

Increase Fiber Intake 

Eating foods high in fiber can help to prevent and alleviate constipation. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. You can also take fiber supplements like psyllium husk or wheat bran.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity can help to stimulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, such as walking, jogging, or cycling.

Try Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in your gut and help to keep your digestive system healthy. You can find probiotics in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, or you can take a probiotic supplement.

Use Natural Laxatives

Certain foods and herbs can help to alleviate constipation naturally. These include:

Prunes and prune juice: Prunes are high in fiber and contain a natural laxative called sorbitol.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is a good fiber source and can help soften the stool. 

Aloe vera: Aloe vera juice can help to stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. 

Senna: Senna is an herb used for centuries as a natural laxative.


Chronic constipation can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but various treatments, medicines, cures, and home remedies are available to alleviate the symptoms and improve bowel movements. Lifestyle changes such as increasing fluid intake, dietary changes, and exercise can effectively treat chronic constipation. Laxatives, medications, biofeedback therapy, and probiotics are other treatment options. Additionally, several home remedies for chronic constipation include drinking more water, increasing fiber intake, exercising regularly, using natural laxatives, and trying probiotics. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you are experiencing chronic constipation or if your symptoms persist despite trying these treatments.


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